Surge analysis
Surge pressures generated by rapid changes in fluid momentum are inherent within fluid systems and can be caused by a wide range of mechanisms such as valve closure and bubble collapse.
These transient pressures, which could be several times greater than the normal operating pressures of the system, can damage the system and therefore instigate a needed design change to mitigate the surge threat.
Poor understanding of surge can also lead to expense through overly conservative design of new systems or modifications to existing systems.
Element analyses, quantifies and mitigates this potential threat.
Element Achievements with surge threat:
- Modelling surge pressures in power station cooling systems to support equipment specification.
- Modelling predictions of surge pressures for the Airbus A350XWB Fuel System to specify system design pressures.
- Defining and supporting testing on a range of platforms including refuel rigs, development aircraft feed system rig, aircraft engine flight testing.